The Executive Management of Proline decided to pursue ISO 13485:2003 certification in 2014. Proline ISO 13485:2003 certificate was issued on November 10, 2014. This certification insures that Proline’s Quality Management System meets the comprehensive framework of a world-class management system. Simply put, it means that we at Proline have documented procedures around what we do
Regards to people of Makassar : Indonesian Historic Port for Spices and Sailing Ships. Proline is supporting The1st Makassar Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Annual Meeting (MaCPLAM), which is held by Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathologists (Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Patologi Klinik Indonesia) Makassar Branch. To refresh and develop recent knowledge in medical laboratory, various scientific
In order to welcome National Health Day 2013 (HKN = Hari Kesehatan Nasional), Proline is participating in 49th National Health Day Exhibition 2013, which is held by Ministry of Health Indonesia starting on November 15 – 17, 2013 in Jakarta International Expo Kemayoran. Theme of the event is “Indonesia Cinta Sehat”, intended to support national