SNIBE Maglumi X3i

Fully Automatic Chemiluminescence Immunoassay (CLIA) System

Kompatibel, Efisien, Terintegrasi.

SNIBE Maglumi X3i is made domestically at the top production facilities at PT Prodia Diagnostic Line which has received GMPMD and ISO 13485 certification. The automatic system instrument is equipped with 166 examinations, throughput of up to 200 tests/hour, capacity of up to 20 reagents & 72 samples can be loaded, RFID system, system loading/unloading without pause, and automatic washing system.

SNIBE Maglumi X3i Menggunakan metode Penanda ABEI

Amino-Butyl-Ethyl-Isoluminol adalah molekul kecil non-enzim dengan formula molekul khusus untuk meningkatkan stabilitas dalam buffer asam dan basa. Antibodi/antigen yang sudah terkombinasi dengan chemiluminesce akan diberikan penanda ABEI lalu dimobilisasi secara magnetik hingga menghasilkan imuno antigen-antibodi kompleks yang akan dibaca oleh detektor pada tabung fotomultiplier (PMT) berupa pendaran cahaya.


  • Ruang Reagen dan Sampel Capacity up to 20 reagents & 72 samples can be loaded equipped with an RFID system, cooling compartment with a temperature of 10