Prodia Group Bangun Kolaborasi Strategis dengan Fakultas Kedokteran President University,

Cikarang, August 16, 2024 – To support the Government's Efforts to Improve Medical Education in Indonesia, Prodia Group, a prominent healthcare company in Indonesia established a strategic collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine at President University. This partnership involves several Prodia Group business units in the medical device industry, including PT Prodia Diagnostic Line (Proline) and PT Innovasi Diagnostika (Innodia). The collaboration was inaugurated by Andi Wijaya, Founder and Chairman of Prodia Group, and Handa S. Abidin, Rector of President University, accompanied by Cristina Sandjaja, Director of PT Prodia Diagnostic Line, and Budi Setiabudiawan, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at President University. The event was also attended by several directors from Prodia Group companies and other invited guests.

Andi Wijaya, Founder and Chairman of Prodia Group, stated, "This strategic collaboration is expected to be the first step and a tangible contribution of Prodia Group in improving the quality of healthcare for the Indonesian people. One way to do this is by fostering collaboration between industry players and educational institutions like President University. With the advantages of Prodia Group as a pioneer in the healthcare industry, ensuring safety, quality, and efficacy, we hope to support relevant, beneficial, and high-quality innovations for Indonesia's education and healthcare sectors."

Dalam kolaborasi strategis ini, Prodia Group melalui anak-anak perusahaannya, melakukan serangkaian program untuk menunjang proses studi bagi mahasiswa fakultas kedokteran President University yang sedang menempuh pendidikan, seperti pemberian donasi peralatan laboratorium Hematology Analyzer series DYMIND DH33 Auto & Semi-automatic Photometer series PROLINE DPC16 dari Proline, pemberian alat kesehatan Centrifuge dan Microscope dari Innodia, serta program pengenalan peralatan laboratorium diagnostik kepada sivitas akademika President University oleh Proline dan Innodia. Kedepannya, kolaborasi akan ditingkatkan bersama dengan perusahaan-perusahaan Prodia Group lainnya seperti Prodia Stemcell (ProSTEM), Prodia CRO, dan Prodia OHI.

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