Cystatin C FS

Nomor Produk: 1 7158


Cystatin C is a non-glycylated basic protein with a low molecular weight of 13 kDa. Cystatin C can act as a cysteine ??protease inhibitor. Cystatins are produced at a constant rate by all nucleated cells and filtered by the glomerular membrane before being completely absorbed and degraded in the renal tubules. Cystatin C suggests a better marker for detecting decreased glomerular filtration rate (GFR) compared to creatinine, especially for detecting impaired renal function. Cystatin C levels in the blood are different from creatinine, where cystatin C is not determined by sex, muscle mass and age. Determining cystatin C is particularly useful in children, the elderly, diabetics, people with liver cirrhosis, adults receiving kidney transplants, people with cancer and suspected preeclampsia.


Reagen siap pakai.

Proline Cystatin C FS hadir dalam format cair yang memberikan kenyamanan bagi pengguna karena tidak diperlukan rekonstitusi yang membantu mengurangi risiko kesalahan diagnosis.

Reagen dengan sistem terbuka, kompatibel untuk beragam instrumen.

Reagen Proline Cystatin C FS cocok untuk berbagai penganalisis pihak ketiga seperti Abbott, Advia, Cobas, Hitachi, Olympus, Respons, TokyoBoeki, dan Beckman Coulter. Silakan hubungi dukungan teknis kami di untuk informasi kompatibilitas lebih lanjut tentang jenis penganalisis lainnya.


  • Particle enhanced immunoturbidimetric test.
  • Tidak ada gangguan: bilirubin 60 mg/dL, hemoglobin 1000mg/dL, lipemia menjadi trigliserida 1000mg/dL dan RF 600 IU/mL
  • Linieritas pengukuran mencapai 8 mg/dL , dengan batas bawah deteksi 0,08 mg/dL


Jenis Kit

No. Katalog R1 R2 Jenis Kit
1 7158 99 10 921