Bilirubin Auto Direct FS

Product Number: 1 0821


Bilirubin merupakan produk pemecahan hemoglobin. Bentuk bilirubin tak terkonjugasi bersifat non polar dan tidak larut dalam air, sehingga membentuk kompleks dengan albumin untuk dibawa bersama aliran darah dari limpa menuju ke hati. Dalam hati, bilirubin terkonjugasi dengan asam glukoronik sehingga menghasilkan bilirubin yang larut dalam air yang bersama kelebihan asam glukoronik akan diekskresikan melalui saluran empedu.

Hyperbilirubinemia can be caused by increased bilirubin production due to hemolysis (pre-hepatic jaundice), parenchymal damages of the liver (intra-hepatic jaundice) or by occlusion of bile ducts (post-hepatic jaundice). A chronic congenital (predominantly unconjugated) hyperbilirubinemia called Gilbert?s syndrome is quite frequent in the population. High levels of total bilirubin are observed in 60 - 70 % of neonates due to an increased postpartum breakdown of erythrocytes and because of the delayed function of enzymes for bilirubin degradation. Common bilirubin methods detect either total bilirubin or direct bilirubin. Determinations of direct bilirubin measure mainly conjugated, water-soluble