Alkaline Phosphatase FS (IFCC mod. 37°C)
Alkaline phosphatase (AP) adalah enzim yang terikat pada membran sel yang diekspresikan oleh semua jaringan. AP, dengan kofaktornya zink dan magnesium, mengkatalisis hidrolisis ester fosfat organik di dalam ruang ekstraseluler. AP terdapat dalam darah dengan berbagai bentuk yang berbeda terutama berasal dari tulang dan hati, tetapi juga dari jaringan lain seperti ginjal, plasenta, testis, timus, paru-paru, dan tumor. Peningkatan aktivitas AP dapat muncul secara fisiologis, misalnya selama trimester kedua kehamilan dan pada masa kanak-kanak selama pertumbuhan. Kondisi patologis yang menyebabkan peningkatan aktivitas AP adalah penyakit hepatobilier, penyakit sistem skeletal, tumor ganas, dan penyakit sistemik tanpa keterlibatan hati dan tulang primer. Penurunan aktivitas AP dalam serum sangat jarang dan jika ada ditemukan, pada hipofosfatemia herediter, penyakit Wilson, dan osteoporosis yang diinduksi kortikoid.
- Kolestasis intrahepatik, (contoh: infiltrat hati oleh karsinoma, leukemia, TBC, sarkoidosis, amiloidosis, fibrosis (sirosis))
- Kolestasis ekstrahepatik, (contoh: batu saluran empedu, neoplasma, atresia)
- Penyakit osteoblastik, (contoh: keganasan, hiperparatiroidisme sekunder, Penyakit Paget)
- Tumor
- Kehamilan
- Hipophosphatasemia: kelainan bawaan yang relatif jarang yang asimtomatik atau mungkin berhubungan dengan arthritis pada sendi yang menahan beban
- Hipotiroidisme
- Scurvy
- Anemina berat
Proline Alkaline Phosphatase FS (IFCC mod. 37°C) comes in a liquid format which provides convenience for users as no reconstitution is required which helps reduce the risk of misdiagnosis.
Proline Alkaline Phosphatase FS (IFCC mod. 37°C) reagent is suitable for various third party analyzers such as Abbott, Advia, Cobas, Hitachi, Olympus, Response, TokyoBoeki, and Beckman Coulter. Please contact our technical support at for further compatibility information on other types of analyzers.
- Tes fotometri menurut IFCC (Internasional Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine termodifikasi
- No interference: bilirubin 70mg/dL, lipemia triglyceride 2200 mg/dL, and hemoglobin 100mg/dL
- Measurement linearity reaches 1400 U/L, with a lower limit of detection of 2.64 U/L
No. Katalog | R1 | R2 | Jenis Kit |
1 0441 99 10 022 | 5 x 20 mL | 1 X 25 mL | Kit Serba Guna (MPK) |
1 0441 99 10 027 | 2 x 100 mL | 2 X 25 mL | Kit Serba Guna (MPK) |
1 0441 99 10 180 | 4 x 20 mL | 4 X 5 mL | TMS50i |
1 0441 99 10 190 | 4 x 20 mL | 4 X 5 mL | TMS24i |
1 0441 99 10 591 | 4 X 60 mL | 4 X 15 mL | Mindray |
1 0441 99 10 914 | 6 X 60 mL | 6 X 15 mL | Hitachi 917 |
1 0441 99 10 920 | 4 X 34 mL | 4 X 10 mL | Proline® R-910 |
1 0441 99 10 921 | 4 X 21 mL | 4 X 6 mL | Proline® R-910 |
1 0441 99 10 951 | 6 X 36 mL | 6 X 9 mL | Advia |
1 0441 99 10 965 | 6 X 25 mL | 6 X 6 mL | Instrumen lainnya |
Wanita | Pria | |||
Anak-anak | [U/L] | [µkat/L] | [U/L] | [µkat/L] |
0-1 year | 89-370 | 1.49-6.3 | 89-370 | 1.49-6.3 |
1-3 year | 91-334 | 1.52-5.6 | 91-334 | 1.52-5.6 |
4-6 year | 97-316 | 1.61-5.3 | 97-316 | 1.61-5.3 |
7-11 year | 120-340 | 2-5.7 | 110-316 | 1.83-5.3 |
13-17 tahun | 49-328 | 0.82-5.5 | 75-363 | 1.25-6.1 |
Dewasa | 33-98 | 0.55-1.64 | 43-115 | 0.72-1.92 |
- Thomas L. Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics [Internet]. Prof. Lothar Thomas; 2024. Available from:
- Lowe D, Sanvictores T, Zubair M, et al. Alkaline Phosphatase. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-.Available from:
- IFCC primary reference procedures for the measurement of catalytic activity concentrations of enzymes at 37°C. Part 9: Reference procedure for the measurement of catalytic concentration of alkaline phosphatase; Clin Chem Lab Med 2011;49(9).
- Bakker AJ, Mücke M. Gammopathy interference in clinical chemistry assays: mechanisms, detection and prevention. ClinChemLabMed 2007;45(9):1240-1243.
- Guder WG, da Fonseca-Wollheim F, Heil W, Schmitt Y, Töpfer G, Wisser H, Zawta B. Quality of Diagnostic Samples. 3rd edition; 2010. p. 32-3.
- Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests. 5th ed. Volume 1 and 2. Washington, DC: The American Association for Clinical Chemistry Press 2000.
- Young DS. Effects on Clinical Laboratory Tests - Drugs Disease, Herbs & Natural Products [Internet]. AACC Press and John Wiley and Sons, Inc; 2020. Available from:
- Sonntag O, Scholer A. Drug interference in clinical chemistry: recommendation of drugs and their concentrations to be used in drug interference studies. Ann Clin Biochem. 2001 Jul;38:376-85.
- Penyakit Hati
- Metabolisme Tulang
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