Triglycerides FS
Trigliserida adalah ester gliserol dengan tiga asam lemak dan merupakan lemak alami yang paling melimpah. Dalam plasma, trigliserida berikatan dengan apolipoprotein untuk membentuk very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) dan kilomikron. Pengukuran trigliserida digunakan dalam skrining status lemak untuk mendeteksi risiko aterosklerotik dan memantau terapi obat penurun lemak. Berbagai penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan konsentrasi trigliserida seiring dengan peningkatan low-density lipoprotein (LDL) merupakan risiko tinggi untuk penyakit jantung koroner (PJK). Kadar trigliserida yang tinggi juga terjadi pada berbagai penyakit hati, ginjal, dan pankreas.
- Hipertrigliseridemia herediter
- Sindrom nefrotik
- Diabetes mellitus
- Pankreatitis
- Kehamilan
- Penyakit hati (sindrom Zieve)
- Asupan alkohol yang berlebihan
- Malnutrisi
- Lipoproteinemia kongenital
Proline Triglycerides FS comes in a liquid format which provides convenience for users as no reconstitution is required which helps reduce the risk of misdiagnosis.
Proline Triglycerides FS reagent is suitable for various third-party analyzers such as Abbott, Advia, Cobas, Hitachi, Olympus, Response, TokyoBoeki, and Beckman Coulter. Please contact our technical support at for further compatibility information on other types of analyzers.
- Uji kolorimetri enzimatik menggunakan gliserol-3-fosfat-oksidase (GPO)
- No interference: ascorbic acid 9 mg/dL, conjugated bilirubin 20-30 mg/dL, unconjugated bilirubin 10-48 mg/dL, and hemolysis 300 mg/dL
- Measurement linearity reached 1300 mg/dL, with a lower limit of detection of 3.08 mg/dL
No. Katalog | R1 | Jenis Kit |
1 5710 99 10 022 | 6 X 20 mL | Kit Serba Guna (MPK) |
1 5710 99 10 025 | 4 X 80 mL | Kit Serba Guna (MPK) |
1 5710 99 10 027 | 4 X 62,5 mL | Kit Serba Guna (MPK) |
1 5710 99 10 029 | 4 X 200 mL | Kit Serba Guna (MPK) |
1 5710 99 10 182 | 4 X 60 mL | TMS50i |
1 5710 99 10 192 | 4 X 60 mL | TMS24i |
1 5710 99 10 592 | 4 X 60 mL | Mindray |
1 5710 99 10 915 | 6 X 60 mL | Hitachi 917 |
1 5710 99 10 923 | 4 X 43 mL | Proline® R-910 |
1 5710 99 10 952 | 6 X 40 mL | Advia |
1 5710 99 10 961 | 6 X 25 mL | Instrumen lainnya |
Referensi | <150 mg/dL puasa | 1.65 mmol/L |
Batas atas | 150 – 199 mg/dL | 1.69 – 2.25 mmol/L |
Lanjutan | 200 – 399 mg/dL | 2.26 – 4.51 mmol/L |
Setiap laboratorium harus memeriksa apakah referensi rentang dapat dikalkulasikan untuk populasi pasiennya dan menentukan referensi rentang sendiri jika diperlukan.
- Rifai N, Bachorik PS, Albers JJ. Lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins. In: Burtis CA, Ashwood ER, editors. Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: W.B Saunders Company; 1999. p. 809-61.
- Cole TG, Klotzsch SG, McNamara J. Measurement of triglyceride concentration. In: Rifai N, Warnick GR, Dominiczak MH, eds. Handbook of lipoprotein testing. Washington: AACC Press, 1997. p. 115-26.
- Recommendation of the Second Joint Task Force of European and other Societies on Coronary Prevention. Prevention of coronary heart disease in clinical practice. Eur Heart J 1998;19: 1434-503.
- Guder WG, Zawta B et al. The Quality of Diagnostic Samples. 1st ed. Darmstadt: GIT Verlag; 2001; p. 46-7.
- Young DS. Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests. 5th. ed. Volume 1 and 2. Washington, DC: The American Assoiation for Clinical Chemistry Press 2000.
- Bakker AJ, Mücke M. Gammopathy interference in clinical chemistry assays: mechanisms, detection and prevention. Clin Chem Lab Med 2007; 45(9):1240- 1243.
- Aterosklerosis
- Metabolisme Lipid
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