Fleksibel & Presisi

Didesain oleh Robert Riele GmbH & Co KG, Jerman dan diproduksi di Cikarang, Indonesia oleh PROLINE (industri alat kesehatan diagnostik in vitro bagian dari Prodia Group Companies yang selalu mengutamakan kualitas di setiap produk yang dihasilkan), RIELE Photometer 5010 V5+ menawarkan fleksibilitas metode pengukuran dan kemudahan pengoperasian bagi para penggunanya. Fotometer ini sangat cocok untuk digunakan sebagai instrumen utama di laboratorium kecil hingga menengah maupun sebagai instrumen cadangan di laboratorium menengah hingga besar.
With a long life LED lamp system, a wavelength range of 340 - 800 nm, 6 built-in interference filters, 3 additional filter slots, and a heating element at 25 °C, 30 °C and 37 °C, the RIELE Photometer 5010 V5+ offers measurement flexibility and is more than adequate for analysts of small/medium scale clinical laboratories providing basic clinical chemistry examinations. The fluid processing system with a peristaltic pump optimizes precise aspiration results at measuring volumes of 250 µL to 2000 µL in high-quality 32 µL-flow cells equipped with a storage capacity of up to 200 method variants and 1000 measurement results stored internally.

Nomor izin edar | KEMENKES RI AKD 10102320626 |
Model | Fotometer kimia klinik manual model bench top dengan filter sinar tunggal. |
Sumber cahaya | LED lampu halogen 12 V, 20 W. |
Panjang gelombang | 340 nm – 800 nm. |
Jenis sampel | Sampel darah lengkap, serum, plasma, atau urin. |
Sistem pemilihan panjang gelombang | Automatic via 9-position filter wheel : - 6 standard interference filters: 340 nm, 405 nm, 492 nm, 546 nm, 578 nm, and 623 nm. - 3 positions for an optional filter of choice. |
Rentang fotometrik | 0 – 2.5 A. |
Sistem kuvet | Micro flow cell: 32 µl, 10 mm light path interchangeable with normal standard cuvettes (macro or semi-micro, disposable or special optical glass). |
Sistem aspirasi | - Built-in peristaltic pump is driven by a stepper motor. - Programmable aspiration volume controlled by an infrared light barrier. - Aspiration volume: min. 250 µL, typically 500 µL – 2000 µL. - Separate setting of aspirate volume and wash volume. |
Kontrol suhu | - Internal Peltier element, temperature variable, pre-adjusted to 25 °C, 30 °C, and 37 °C. - Equilibration time for the aspirated reaction mixture to reach 37 °C from ambient temperature: 15 sec. |
Tampilan pengguna | - Touchscreen for direct functions and alphanumerical input. - Graphic display: white characters or symbols, blue backlight. - Screen resolution 240 × 128 dots. |
Sistem printer terintegrasi | Printer thermal, dot matrix, 24 karakter per baris. |
Waktu pengukuran | - Kinetic: variable from 3 – 19 deltas, time per delta 4 – 255 sec in 1-sec steps. - Fixed time: variable from 0 – 1800 sec in 1-sec steps. |
Sistem perangkat lunak | - Reagent open system with capacity for up to 231 programmable methods. - Up to 50 non-linear calibration curves with max 20 sets of points can be stored. - Up to 2970 results of max 99 samples can be managed in the memory. - Languages: Indonesian, English, French, German, Russian, Spanish. - General operating software can be updated by PC. - Data import by touchscreen or PC. - Can be connected to an external PC/printer using the RS 232 connector. |
Kemampuan pengukuran | - Absorbance. - End Point with factor, standard, or multiple standards, with or without reagent blank and/or sample blank. - Bichromatic end point. - Kinetics with standard, factor, or multiple standards, with or without blank. - Fixed time with standard, factor, or multiple standards, with or without reagent blank. - Turbidimetry with optional timer function. - Single, double, and triple determinations. - Curve fitting for nonlinear standard curves. - Free hemoglobin in combination with optional interference filters. |
Kontrol mutu | Up to 50 methods can be controlled with two control serums, Levey Jennings plot. |
Konsumsi daya | AC 90 – 264 V, 60/50 Hz. |
Dimensi | 33 cm (P) x 34 cm (L) x 18 cm (T). |
Berat | ± 6 kg. |
RIELE Photometer 5010 V5+ didesain untuk alur kerja yang fleksibel dan presisi. Kami merekomendasikan menggunakan Kit Serba Guna (MPK) untuk alur kerja instrumen semi otomatis.
Klik di sini untuk melihat jenis kit dan daftar parameter reagen Proline untuk RIELE Photometer 5010 V5+.
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- WA. +62 815 1359 2626
- Surel. marketing@proline.co.id
Silakan hubungi tim Bantuan Teknis untuk bantuan lebih lanjut tentang spesifikasi produk, layanan, dan dokumen teknis lainnya.
- WA. +62 817 9324 884
- Surel. technical.support@prodis.co.id